I love working with color. It was validating to read this fascinating research from 1963: …brain wave activity was LOWER in the colorful room than in the grey room and…
Tag: InsideWright
Touring Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater
In June 2018, I started working with a couple who loves to travel. While they’ve been to six continents, one of their favorite places is right here in the North…
Interview with Tobi Wright of InsideWright
Organic Modernism asked Interior Designer Tobi Wright to share her inspiration for her bold, colorful interiors.
Aspire Design and Home Feature
One of my newest interior design projects was recently featured in Aspire HOME & DESIGN magazine.
Encaustic tiles
Encaustic tiles are incredibly popular right now. You will find them on walls, as I’ve applied them in this Upper West side kitchen, or on floors. Edited from Wiki: The use…
Suzanne Smeaton acknowledges InsideWright in a recent collaboration
Every step of the Interior Decorating process can involve a specialist.I suggested that a client, with an American Modernism art collection, contemporize some of their frames. This led to meeting Suzanne…